Los Angeles
Details of Available Trades
Details of Available Trades
Trade Sanction Strength Duration of Course Qualification
1. Electrician (NSQF) 100 2 Year 10th Pass
2. Electronics Mechanic (NSQF) 24 2 Year 10th Pass
3. Fitter (NSQF) 80 2 Year 10th Pass
4. Information Communication Technology System Maintenance (NSQF) 48 2 Year 10th Pass
5. Machinist (NSQF) 40 2 Year 10th Pass
6. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) (NSQF) 24 2 Year 10th Pass
7. Mechanic Diesel (NSQF) 48 1 Year 10th Pass
8. Mechanic Electric Vehicle (NSQF) 24 2 Year 10th Pass
9. Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (NSQF) 24 2 Year 10th Pass
10. Plumber (NSQF) 48 1 Year 10th Pass
11. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician (NSQF) 48 2 Year 10th Pass
12. Sewing Technology (NSQF) 40 1 Year 8th Pass
13. Solar Technician (Electrical) (NSQF) 40 1 Year 10th Pass
14. Turner (NSQF) 20 2 Year 10th Pass
15. Welder (NSQF) 80 1 Year 8th Pass
16. Wireman (NSQF) 20 2 Year 8th Pass
Total 708